Credentialling - Recognising Infection Prevention and Control Specialist Expertise
Credentialling - Recognising Infection Prevention and Control Specialist Expertise
The Infection Prevention Society’s (IPS) vision and mission is at the centre of our commitment to the continuing education of practitioners, and to the safety of patients being treated and cared for in healthcare settings.
The Infection Prevention Society’s Credentialing Framework provides a self-regulated standard of higher professional training required for the leadership and delivery of high-quality infection prevention and control services, education programmes and research programmes.
For IPC clinical practitioners, educators and researchers, the IPS Credentialing Framework offers a means of building personal and professional capacity. As a credentialed practitioner you are demonstrating that you are committed to maintaining and expanding your specialist professional knowledge and skills and have confidence to participate in periodic peer review.
See the IPS Credentialing Framework
Acknowledgement: The Infection Prevention Society wish to acknowledge the Australian College and their Infection Prevention and Control Credentialing Framework The work of Professor Ramon Shaban, Dr Deborough Macbeth and ACIPC colleagues has had a significant influence on the criteria and processes we have adopted for the IPS Credentialing Framework.